What are ProzisPoints?
ProzisPoints are points that a client earns when purchasing any product from Prozis.
A certain number of ProzisPoints is attributed to each product.
Where does it say how many ProzisPoints each product is worth?
On each product page, the associated number of ProzisPoints is displayed.
The number of points can be found to the right of the product image, next to where the price is shown.
Do ProzisPoints expire?
Yes, ProzisPoints are valid for 12 months and this period is calculated from the date the order has been placed.
For what can ProzisPoints be used?
ProzisPoints can be exchanged for exclusive gifts, or saved in the client account so they can be spent with later orders. When a client chooses to save his/her points, there will be more and more valuable gifts to choose from when placing the next order.
How can ProzisPoints be exchanged for gifts?
After placing items in the shopping cart and proceeding to the order checkout, a page is shown that informs the client of the total amount of ProzisPoints available in his/her account. On this page, step 1 of order checkout, the client can choose to either save the ProzisPoints for later orders, or exchange them for gifts that appear after selecting the respective option.
The client can then select the gifts and the corresponding quantities according to the number of points available, and add then to the order by clicking on "ADD TO CART". This points exchange procedure can be repeated until all available points in the account are spent.
After having selected the desired gifts, the client can click on "NEXT STEP" at the bottom right corner of the page to proceed.
Is it possible to confirm that the ProzisPoints gifts will be sent with the other items in the order?
When confirming the items in the shopping cart, during step 4 of order checkout, the ProzisPoints gifts will appear in the overview with the indication "FREE", meaning that the gifts do not require any payment from the client. In case the selected gifts do not appear as expected in this overview, the client is advised to repeat the procedure.
At the bottom of the same page, it is displayed how many ProzisPoints were exchanged for gifts as well as how many will remain available in the account for later orders.
If the client removes the gifts from the shopping cart before concluding the order, the corresponding amount of ProzisPoints will be put back into the client account.
What is the advantage of saving ProzisPoints?
By choosing to save the ProzisPoints instead of spending them, the client will eventually be able to acquire gifts of a higher value.
Are there any other ways to earn ProzisPoints?
By commenting on items purchased at our store, the client is able to earn more ProzisPoints. If the comments comply with our regulations, they will be approved and published on the Prozis website.
The client receives 20 ProzisPoints per approved comment.
What is the value of one ProzisPoint?
Each ProzisPoint is worth RON 0.0470.
Where can more detailed information about one's ProzisPoints be found?
An overview of all the ProzisPoints movements is available in the client's Prozis account. After having logged in, this overview is accessible by clicking on the client name and selecting the option "ProzisPoints" from the drop-down menu.
The page shows for which specific gifts the ProzisPoints were exchanged, how many points were earned with the purchase of each item and the ordered quantities, as well as the total of ProzisPoints currently available and being processed.
What does it mean when ProzisPoints are “being processed”?
The gifts for which ProzisPoints were exchanged were not included in the order. Why?
If the client removes one or more items from the shopping cart after having selected ProzisPoints gifts, these gifts will automatically be removed from the cart, and the respective ProzisPoints put back in the account.
If the selected gifts are not included in the order, the client is advised to consult his ProzisPoints movements on the respective page, to verify if the points spent on the gifts were indeed removed. If no points deduction appears, that means that the gifts were not correctly added to the shopping cart, and therefore not included in the order either.
The ProzisPoints earned and exchanged for gifts in a certain order do not appear in the ProzisPoints overview. What happened?
This situation can be caused by one of the following reasons:
- The order was cancelled: this causes the accumulated and used ProzisPoints for that order to be cancelled. Therefore, these points no longer appear in the ProzisPoints overview.
- The order was returned to Prozis: the ProzisPoints that are exchanged and earned with a certain order are cancelled when the order is received at our warehouse, causing them to disappear from the ProzisPoints overview.
- The client returned one or more products acquired with his/her order: once the return is processed by our warehouse, the ProzisPoints earned with the purchase of the products in question are cancelled. These points therefore no longer appear in the ProzisPoints overview.
- The client received one or more damaged products: after the complaint is dealt with by our Client Support Service, the ProzisPoints earned with the acquired products and/or exchanged for gifts are cancelled, meaning that they no longer appear in the ProzisPoints overview.
- The client did not receive one or more ordered products: after the complaint regarding the missing product(s) is dealt with by our Client Support Service, the ProzisPoints earned with the purchase of the products and/or exchanged for gifts are cancelled. For that reason, they disappear from the ProzisPoints overview.
The ProzisPoints balance is negative. How is that possible?
This situation can be caused by one of the following reasons:
- An order was returned to Prozis, and the ProzisPoints earned by the client in that order were exchanged for gifts in a following order: the ProzisPoints corresponding to a returned order are cancelled once the order is received at our warehouse. If the client uses the ProzisPoints earned with the returned order to exchange for gifts in a following order, during the time before the returned order is received and registered at our warehouse, the ProzisPoints balance can become negative.
- An order was returned either completely or in part, and the client used all or part of the ProzisPoints earned with the ordered product(s) to exchange for gifts in that same order: the ProzisPoints earned with the purchase of a product are cancelled whenever the product's return is registered at our warehouse. As such, if the client exchanges the earned ProzisPoints and then decides to return the product, the ProzisPoints balance can become negative.
Is it possible to exchange or return products for which ProzisPoints were exchanged?
Prozis does not accept any exchanges or returns of products for which ProzisPoints were exchanged.
Can I exchange my entire ProzisPoints balance for gifts in a single order?
Per order, it's possible to exchange up to 6500 ProzisPoints.