Improving Sleep Quality and Reducing Stress

Factors such as a fast-paced lifestyle, competitiveness and the consumption of processed foods and stimulants have a tendency to make people anxious and irritable. This often results in them not feeling fully relaxed and recovered after sleeping, which can become a vicious circle with unwellness assuming control over daily life.

Follow these tips and start progressing today!


Activities such as swimming, yoga, pilates and dancing help release built-up tension and help the body relax, thereby also promoting a good night's sleep.


Foods such as bananas, passion fruit, milk and camomile tea are known for favouring the regulation of humor and nervousness.


To support a healthy diet, there are supplements that contain 5-HTP, GABA or melatonin, which promote well-being and lower levels of anxiety and nervousness while also helping to improve quality of sleep.