Road cycling

Energy is the key and without it you will not reach your goals. Farther or faster, make up your mind and prepare yourself to get out there!

Follow these tips and start progressing today!


There are various exercises that can be integrated into your training routine to improve your performance. However, learn to control the bicycle first. After that, you can take the next step and adapt your training according to your objective.


Take in carbohydrates as your main energy source, most importantly before and after training. Keep in mind that it's not just about what you eat on the day of the contest, but about what you eat during your preparation. Pay attention to your food intake on the preceding days, it can make the difference between success and failure.


Take mineral salts to replenish those lost through sweating, and fast-acting carbohydrates to make sure you don't run out of energy while running. Caffeine will give you an extra stimulus for short-term energy bursts, and for those last few miles of your run. If you want to develop more muscle mass and recover better, go with a protein supplement. Because of its strong anti-inflammatory effects, Omega-3 can be of great value during the recovery period.